Regulatory Change Tracking

Regulatory Change Tracking

ComplianceAsia's regulatory research team assists clients by tracking important regulatory changes in Asia Pacific in multiple languages on an ongoing basis in addition to its library of guides on important compliance topics, to ensure that compliance teams remain up to date and informed.

We also undertake bespoke research projects for clients moving into new business lines or new markets.

Monthly Newsletter

ComplianceAsia compiles a monthly newsletter, tracking the latest regulatory news and enforcement actions in 19 countries across Asia Pacific. Please contact us at if you would like to be added to our mailing list for current editions or our archives.

Regulatory Change Tracking Service

ComplianceAsia monitors important regulatory changes throughout the Asia Pacific region and provides a quarterly report to ensure you stay up to date and informed about:

• Consultation papers including their release, response deadlines, closing and finalisation

• A summary of the terms of the consultation and how it will potentially impact your business

• Changes to securities, insurance and banking legislation including when they are proposed and gazetted, deadlines and final implementation

• Changes to regulatory codes and guidelines including when proposed and/or released

• An analysis of the changes on what steps you need to take to be in compliant with the rules

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